What are the 5 types of generation of computer?


         There are mainly five generation of computer.

  • Frist generation 

  • Second generation
  • Third generation
  • Fourth generation 
  • Fifth generation

First Generation OF Computer:

  • The period of first generation 1940 to 1956. Roughly considered as the first generation of computer.
  • The first  generation of computer were developed by  using  Vacuum Tube or  Thermionic Valve machine.
  • The input of this system was based on pinch card and paper tape, How ever  the output was display on printouts.
  • The first generation computer works on binary coded concept . i.e  language of (0 1).    

ENIAC  =(Electronic numerical integrator and calculation)
EDVAC = (Electric discrete variable automatic computer)
UNIVAC = (Universal automatic computer)
IBM-701 = (International business machine)
IBM-650= (International business machine)

Advantages of First Generation Computer

  • Made use of vacuum tubes which are the only electronic component available during those days.
  • The use of vacuum tube technology made it possible to make an electronic digital computer.
  • These computers could calculate in milliseconds.

Disadvantages of First Generation Compute

  • The computers were very larger in size
  • They consumed a large amount of energy.
  • They heated very soon due to thousands of vacuum tubes.
  • They were not very reliable.
  • Air conditioning is required.
  • Constant maintenance was required.
  • Not-portable.
  • Costly commercial production.
  • Very slow speed.
  • Limited programming capabilities.
  • Used machine language only.
  • Used punch card for input.
  • Not versatile and less accurate.


  • The  period of  second generation 1956 to 1963 is Roughly considered as the second generation of computer.
  • The second generation computer were  developed by  using Transistor  technology.

  • In comparison  to the 1st  gen. the size of 2nd gen. was small.
  • In comparison  to the 1st  gen. computer is the time taken by  the  2nd gen. of computer.

Example: Honeywell-400, IBM-7094, CDC-1604,CDC-3600, UNIVAC110

Advantages of Second Generation Computer

  • Smaller in size as compared to the first generation computer.
  • Second-generation computers were more reliable.
  • Used less energy and were not heated as much as a first-generation computer.
  • Wider commercial use.
  • Better portability as compared to the first-generation computers.
  • Better speed and could calculate data in microseconds.
  • Used faster peripherals like tape drives, magnetic disks, etc…
  • Used assembly language as well as machine language.
  • Accuracy improved.

    Disadvantages of Second Generation Computer

    • A cooling system was required.
    • Constant maintenance is required.
    • Commercial production was difficult.
    • Only used for specific purposes.
    • Costly and not versatile.
    • Punch cards were used for input.


  • The period 1963  to 1971 is roughly considered as the period of third generation of computer.
  • The third generation computer were developed by wing the integrated circuit(IC) technology.
  • In comparison to the computer to the second generation computer the size of third generation of computer was small.
  • The gen. computer consumed less power  and also generation less heat.
  • Example: PDP-8,PDP-11,ICL2900,IBM-3600,IBm-370...etc

Advantage of Third Generation of Computer

  • These computer were cheaper as compared to second gen. computer.
  • They were very fast and reliable .
  • This generation of computer has big storage capacity compare to previous generation of computer.
  • Instead of punch-card, mouse and keyboard are used for input.
  • Versatile to an extent.
  • Less expensive.
  • More accurate than previous.
  • Used mouse and keyboard for input.
Disadvantages of Third Generation Computer

  • Air conditioning was required.
  • The highly sophisticated technology required for the manufacturing of IC chips.
  • IC chips are difficult to maintain. 

  Fourth  Generation of  Computer:

  • The period 1972 to 2010 is roughly considered as the Fourth generation of computer.
  • The Fourth gen. of computers were developed by using Microprocessor technology.
  • The machine of Fourth gen. of computer started generating very low amount of heat.
  • It is much faster and accuracy become more reliable.
  • It become  available  for the common people  as well.

Example: IBM-4341, DEC-10, STAR-1000, PUP-11 ....etc.

Advantages of Fourth Generation of Computer

  • They were developed for totally general purpose use (general-purpose computers).
  • Smaller in size and much more reliable than other generations of computers.
  • The heat generation was negligible.
  • No cooling system is required in many cases of the fourth-generation computer.
  • Portable and cheaper than the older versions.
  • Fourth-generation computers were much faster than the older generations.
  • Graphics User Interface (GUI) technology was exploited to offer more comfort to users. PCs became more affordable and widespread during this period.
  • Less repair time and maintenance cost.
  • They were developed for commercial production as well.
  • All types of High-level languages can be used in this type of computers
Disadvantages of the Fourth Generation of Computer

  • Very advanced technology was required to fabricate the ICs (Integrated Circuits).
  • A high-quality and reliable system or technology can only make the ICs.
  • Cooler is required (Fan)
  • The latest technology is required for the manufacturing of Microprocessors.


  • The period 2010 to till date and beyond roughly considered as the period of fifth generation of computers.
  • By the time, time computer generation was begin categorized on the basis of only hardware but the fifth gen. technology also included software
  • The computer of the fifth generation had high capability and large memory capacity.
  • Example: Desktop, Laptop, Notebook, Ultrabook, Chromebook .....etc.

Advantages of Fifth Generation of Computer

  • Development of true artificial intelligence
  • Development of Natural language processing
  • Advancement in Parallel Processing
  • Advancement in Superconductor technology
  • More user-friendly interfaces with multimedia features
  • Availability of very powerful and compact computers at cheaper rates.
  • The fifth-generation computers will use super large-scale integrated chips.
  • They will have artificial intelligence.
  • They will be able to recognize images and graphs.
  • Fifth-generation computer aims to be able to solve highly complex problem including decision making, logical reasoning.
  • They will be able to use more than one CPU for faster processing speed.
  • Fifth-generation computers are intended to work with natural language.
  • These computers are much faster than other generation computers.
  • It is easier to repair these computers.
  • These computers are much smaller in size than other generation computers
  • They are portable and easy to handle.
  • Development of true artificial intelligence.
  • Advancement in Parallel Processing.
  • Advancement in Superconductor technology

Disadvantages of Fifth Generation of Computer:

  • They tend to be sophisticated and complex tools.
  • They can give more power to companies to watch what you are doing and even allow them to infect your computer.

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