Resistance Characteristic .

 Resistance Characteristic 


1. Power rating

 â€¢ It specify the maximum power that can be handled by the resistors. 

• P= V X I .

ʉۢ It is measured in watts. Resistance comes in 1/16 watts to 300 watts.

 â€¢ A resistance have input of 5 volt and current 1 Amp then by the above formula P = 5 x 1 = 5 watts.

2. Tolerance:

• Tolerance is the percentage measure of the accuracy of a resistors from its preferred value.

 â€¢ 100 Ω with tolerance 10% means it will 100 + 10%. i.e. resistance of that resistors  by 90 Ω to 110  Ω

3. Temperature Co-efficient :

ʉۢ Temp co-efficient of resistance is the measure of change in electrical resistance of the resistors per degree of temperature.

  • It is usually measured in PPM/0c (Parts per million per degree centigrade)

 â€¢ If a resistor of 50 Ω TCR 20 PPM/0c and if temperature is raised to 25oc then

     (20/1000000) x 50 x 25 = 0.025 50 Ω = 50.025 Ω .

4.Noise :

 â€¢ The vibrations of the electrons cause an electric signal across the terminals of the component. This electric signal is called noise or thermal noise. 

5. Frequency Response:

 â€¢ The frequency response of a resistors is the frequencies the resistors will work as a pure registers without any significant effects associated with other component. 

• Frequency response of wire wound resistors is high so, it is used in high power application.

6. Stability :

ʉۢ Stability defines the long term variations of the resistance. After a long duration of electric load, resistance value will not vary much. Resistance + - r1 r2 r3.

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